About Us
Who we are!
I'm Vickie Harrison and I started making and selling jewellery over 15 years ago at home in Wellington Somerset. Corinne is my trusty sidekick and between us we sell at craft markets, festivals, fairs and house parties in our local and surrounding area.

Where we are!
Look out for us all year round in 'The Nook & Cranny' shop on Wellington High Street and '14 & Sixpence' Bridal & Prom boutique in Ilminster. Check our 'Upcoming Events' page for our regular and upcoming events.

What we do!
We have developed a fabulous range of jewellery, decorations and gifts to suit any time of year but we are particular fans of the festive season and have developed a huge Christmas range, we are regulars at many festive events including Westpoint's 3 day Christmas Fayre.

And why are we called Bluebell Gems?
In memory of my dear mum who loved bluebells and would have been tickled pink at all this shiny stuff!